Typically it has been presumed that there are two mechanisms that provoke heartburn via food intake. First, some foods with a more acidic pH, such as citrus fruits, have been shown to directly irritate the lining of the esophagus and produce heartburn, and, second, some foods have
been shown to decrease the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure, thereby predisposing to gastroesophageal (GE) reflux. Data with regard to the effect of a high fat meal are conlicting; however, there appears to be a consensus that chocolate does decrease the LES pressure.
Peppermint, garlic, and onions are food constituents that clinically appear to induce heartburn
in many patients. These compounds have a similar derivation and are often categorized as carminatives. In a clinical study to directly test one of these constituents (ie, raw onions), and its effect on postprandial reflux. In this study, individuals had to eat a hamburger with and without a large raw onion. In the onion condition it was shown that there was a significant postprandial increase in esophageal acid contact. Peppermint has also been shown to induce GE reflux, but this may be confounded by the fact that dissolving a peppermint may have the salubrious effect of enhancing salivation, which will facilitate acid clearance. Chewing gum may also induce increased salvation with similar effects on esophageal acid clearance.
Heartburn and esophageal irritation are common experiences in individuals with an acid sensitive esophagus who ingest citrus fruit juices. A recently published survey showed a significant correlation between the acidity of the citrus juices and heartburn score.
On this basis, it would seem reasonable to advise patients to avoid chocolate, citrus fruits, and fruit juices, as well as carminatives, such as onions and garlic.
Data with regard to high fat content on LES pressure are equivocal, but it would seem rational to advise individuals to avoid high fat foods, at least with regard to their effect on delayed gastric emptying and GE reflux.
Carbonation and caffeine.
There's no differences between carbonated water, caffeine-free Pepsi, or regular Pepsi, the LES changes are due to gas rather than caffeine level or pH. The difference between regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee, It has been found that decaffeinated coffee indeed did reduce the per-
cent of acid contact time in the esophagus.
Gastric Distention
An obvious and inexorable effect of eating is gastric distention. Because evidence is now clear that gastric distention does induce transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESR), it would seem that food ingestion alone would predispose to reflux via the mechanism of TLESR. Again, although no randomized control trial exists to document the efficacy of this measure, it would seem prudent to advise patients to avoid large volume meals as well as carbonation.
What is acid reflux relief?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Acid Reflux Diet
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8:52 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Effective Acid Reflux Relief
Treatment of Acid Reflux Disease is primarily medical, the mainstays being lifestyle modifications and drug therapy. The goals of treatment are to relieve symptoms and prevent relapse and complications. All patients should be advised about lifestyle modifications that help reduce symptoms and prevent relapse. Antacids or antacid-alginate combinations are recommended for safe, prompt, inexpensive relief of heartburn. The same agents, however, are poorly suited for regular use because of poor palatability and durability and side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and possible magnesium or aluminum toxicity in renal patients. Protection against recurrence of heartburn is provided by acid-suppressing medications such as H2-receptor antagonists and PPIs. H2-receptor antagonists reduce gastric acid secretion moderately by inhibiting one of three acid-stimulating receptors on the basolateral membrane of the parietal cell. When prescribed twice a day, they can control symptoms in about 50% of Acid Reflux Disease patients and heal erosions in about 30%. PPIs irreversibly inhibit the H+, K+-ATPase or proton pump, the final common pathway for acid secretion on the apical membrane of the parietal cell. Consequently, PPIs markedly reduce gastric acidity with once-a-day dosing and provide relief of symptoms and healing of lesions in about 80 to 90% of Acid Reflux Disease patients. H2-receptor antagonists (+30 years) and PPIs (≈15 years) have excellent safety profiles. PPI safety beyond 15 years remains unclear because of uncertainty about the long-term risk for chronic gastric hypoacidity and hypergastrinemia. Although vitamin B12 levels can be reduced with chronic PPI use, clinically significant vitamin B12 deficiency has not been reported, so an increase in vitamin B12 intake is not currently recommended.
Early endoscopy is indicated for those with alarm symptoms. Endoscopy is also indicated for patients who fail once-a-day PPI therapy to confirm the diagnosis and assess severity, including the presence of Barrett's esophagus (see later). Testing for H. pylori is not recommended because the organism is not etiologic in Acid Reflux Disease and, when eradicated, may make treatment more difficult.
Failures with once-a-day PPI therapy are treated with twice-daily PPI therapy with or without H2-receptor antagonists at bedtime for 6 to 8 weeks, and patients who fail this regimen undergo esophageal pH monitoring during therapy to assess for control of esophageal acidity. If the acidity is controlled, the symptoms are not mediated by acid.
Effective therapy is often accompanied by relapse when medication ceases, especially in patients with erosive esophagitis, in whom maintenance therapy is indicated. Patients requiring maintenance therapy should undergo at least one endoscopy procedure to determine whether Barrett's esophagus is present. If endoscopy reveals NERD, no further endoscopy is necessary and treatment is guided by symptoms. If endoscopy reveals erosive esophagitis, treatment to healing should be documented by endoscopy so that Barrett's esophagus can be effectively established or excluded. Once Barrett's esophagus is excluded, endoscopy is unnecessary and treatment is guided by symptoms because subsequent relapse and treatment will rarely result in Barrett's esophagus.
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10:17 AM